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New Hampshire Philharmonic Donor Recognition

The New Hampshire Philharmonic can only survive through the support of those who value the importance of music and the arts in our community. Through ticket sales, in-kind donations, corporate, individual, and foundation support, and the efforts of our volunteers, we continue to share our passion for the power, beauty, and emotion of music with the greater Salem community.

Friends of the Philharmonic

The Friends of the Philharmonic are those individuals who support the Philharmonic through their volunteer work to help us promote the orchestra throughout the community. We thank everyone who helps bring the gift of beautiful music to the Salem community and the State of New Hampshire.

Support of $10,000 or more

The Brook * Rodger and Kate Graef Family Foundation * Frederick Smyth Music Trust * Val Zanchuk


Support of $2500 to $9,999

Chuck and Lynn Benson * Cogswell Benevolent Trust * Arthur Getz Trust * GraphicsX * Lancaster Fund * Minuteman Press * New Hampshire Charitable Foundation * New Hampshire State Council for the Arts * Northwoods Casino * Clayton Poole


Support of $1000 to $2499

Anonymous (2) * Aries Engineering * Cecile Juneau * Madelaine G. von Weber Trust * Rod Pierce * Chuck and Lynn Schwager * Nathan Shower * Dorothy and James Triquet


Support of $500 to $999

Bellwether * Beth Copp * Stephen and Mary Gasiorowski * Harbor Group * Rob Harris * Neal Kurk * Norma Milne * Kyle Nagel * Medusa Body Piercing * Pentucket Bank * Salem Area Womens Club * Salem Knights of Columbus * Salem Lions Club * Salem Democratic Town Committee * Deborah Stone * Emile Tetu


Support of $250 to $499

Laurence Belair * Sharon Bonte * David Brown * Randolph Langer * Stephen Mathieu * John Monnelly * Florence Guerin * George Guptil * George Melhem * David Nelson * John and Donna Sytek * Janet Travis * Susan Yost


Support of $100 to $249

Marilynn Berkey * Marceline and Fred Bertelsen * Robert Burke * Cars, Inc.* Monica Cataldo * Hope and Rick Cinquegrana * Al Cote * Mary Ann Eisner * Gail Corcoran * Greg Freeman * Michael Glisson * Eric Hirth * Dennis and Sandra Krause * William Lynch * David Marstolf * Phil and Susan Mothon (in memory of Joyce Buckley-Deandrea) * Robin Neill * Sally Perkins * Robert and Valerie Reynolds * Dorothy Richter * SFC Engineering Partnership * Brenda Teague * M. Nafi Toksoz and Charlotte A. Johnson * Augusta Vaillancourt * Robert and Diane Weir


Support up to $99

Deborah Aboud * Marjorie Anderson * John Bajor * Elizabeth Bartlett * Donald Bemis * Cynthia Bent * Mary and Sid Bird * Tony Blanco * Marjorie Burdette * Jerry Carnone * Monica Cataldo * Lila Cleary * Janet Corriveau * Al Cote * Kathryn Edwards * Linda Flockton* Bruce Freeman * Nancy French * Robin Harris* Donna InDelicato * Constance Jackson * Rachel Breed Janssen * Lois Jacobs * Barbara Johnson * Gail Kelly * Mary Kenison * Helmut Koch * Monaca Lajoie * Ann Lacharite * Randolph Langer * John Leszcynski * Armand Marcotte * Melanie Martel * David Martsoff * Bruce McAlpine * Kerry McDermott * Robert McMillan * Ana Milosavljevic * Amy Moldoff * Dannie Monahan * Sr. Jane Newcomb * Sylvia Newton * Pauline Nicholls* Lori Norris* Amy O’Brien * George Parodi * Sharlene Price * Medeline Ritter * Michael Rockenhauser * Stuart Russell * Natalie Semczuk * John Seney * Thomas Seniow * Rachel Sennett * B. Shagoury * George Shepherd * Roy Shoults * Stephen Sloan * Leo Spencer * Robyn Smith * W Stiner * Howard Titus * Tosto One Family Trust * Allison Townsend * Debra Villiard * Deborah Yon * James Yu

Ticket Prices are as follows, unless otherwise noted:
$35 Adults
$30 Seniors
$10 Students
$5 Salem Students
$15 Online Streaming - Sunday concerts only (Seifert Performances only)
To Purchase Tickets Click Here 


For Discount Tickets, click here


To contact us please call, email or write to us here:

Tel: 603.647.6476 | Email: | P.O. Box 1651 Concord, NH 03302


NH Philharmonic Orchestra performs at Seifert Performing Arts Center, 44 Geremonty Drive, Salem, NH 03079.  Located at Salem High School.  Unless otherwise noted in our concert listings above.  Please do not send correspondence to Seifert to reach The Phil, send to our PO Box.

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